Slate - Examples of Use
Slate for everything
Well almost. There is evidence that the Ancient Egyptians placed disks of
slate in the mouths of mummies. It has been used in Wales since the Iron Age and
Romans times for general household purposes. Implements made of slate belonging
to the Iron Age and Roman occupation have been discovered not only as spindle
whorls but also as bake stones. Prior to around 1780, when iron bake stones
became available, a 3 cm thick type of brown bread was baked on them known as bara llech
or slate
bread. Slate was also used in the nineteenth century as
decoration inside cottages. Other uses are for billiard and
snooker tables as slate will not distort with heat, and since it
withstands acid, it was used as laboratory bench tops and for
brewing containers. And not forgetting of course as doorposts,
lintels, steps, fencing water tanks as well as writing slates for